On Monday I reached the school on time.School hours began with morning prayer.I signed the attendance register. My classes ended  at morning hours. During lunch break we served meals to students and teachers.  After lunch break there was a drawing competition.Nature was the theme.School hours ended at 3.45 pm.

On Tuesday I reached the school at 9.00 am.As per timetable I had classes on 8 A and 8 B after lunch break.After mid day meal there was a quiz competition on WORLD POPULATION DAY organized by arts club.Then there was a social science club inauguration done by chaithanya teacher.After signing the attendance register i went to school ground ensuring all the students leave on queue.

On Wednesday I arrived the school on time.On my free hours I prepared some learning aids.And then i did some ground works for my 1.20 pm there was a science club inauguration.Students from different class joined the group.I went to classes based on our timetable.

On Thursday I reached the school on time.I signed the attendance register and went to classroom.Today was my observation we arranged our classes on 3 rd and 4 t h hour consecutively .Shamla miss came and watched my class on 8 A at 3 rd hour .Before my class she checked my reflection and lesson template record.I take the class based on innovative lesson template.I took the class confidently.she leave the school after watching our hours ended at 4.00 pm

On Friday I had arrived  the school on time.As usual I signed the attendance register and went to classes.During third period i had substitution and went to 10 A after that I went to 8 A.During lunch break we served meals .After that i had classes on 8 B .Trainees from health department  came and checked students weight, blood group ,height and also checked if they had school hours ended at 4 pm

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